
We proudly offer a 1-year warranty that all products are accurately described and will give you the service you expect. If there are any problems with the quality of the materials or workmanship, we will adjust, repair or replace to your satisfaction.

Being handmade, the techniques used by local artisans ensure that each item is truly one-of-a-kind. Hand made goods vary in size, finish and dimension. Slight cracks, warping, imperfections and color variations are inherent to each piece and are not defects.

Our line of Distressed Furniture goes through a special process that adds extra marks and chips creating an antique look.

We make every effort to thoroughly inspect all goods before shipping to assure the highest level of quality. We hope you enjoy your handmade heirloom quality furniture for a long time.

This limited warranty does not apply to the following:

 Normal wear and tear of the product over prolonged use

 Small cuts, scratches or damages due to wrong cleaning methods or impacts/accidents

 Damage caused due incorrect installation/assembly by the customer

 Cracks developed due to displacement of the product

 Fading due to direct exposure to sunlight

 Decaying of wood due to consistent exposure to water

 Upholstery fabrics such as seat covers have no warranty

 Non-standard dry-cleaning procedures or use of harsh chemicals

 As per the industry standards, unevenness of up to 5 mm is accepted widely due to differences in floor and surface levels. This is not covered in warranty.

 Any modifications or alterations made to the products post purchase are not recommended and will void the entire Warranty.

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